Guest Opinion
The Arizona Daily Star welcomes original guest opinions that are sent exclusively to the Star for first publication.
Submissions must be between 400-700 words.
The guest opinion should express ideas, viewpoints, criticism and news analysis that encourage discussion.
When writing, authors should fully disclose their relationship with an issue and their expertise on the topic. This is particularly relevant when writing about a political campaign or candidate.
Facts must be annotated by links shared in the "Notes" field. Notes field text is not included in the guest opinion word count.
Pieces containing information that cannot be easily verified, libelous statements or name calling will be rejected.
We suggest you write, edit and save a copy of your letter before copying it into the form.
Submissions may be edited for clarity or length. All submissions become the property of the Arizona Daily Star.
If you do not receive an automated email thanking you for submission - we did not receive it (the main reason is your submission does not fit the allotted word count)
Please include a head-and-shoulders photograph, first saved as a high resolution jpg and then attached to the form.